Saturday, April 10, 2010

Less than one week in.... the frustration takes hold!!!

So no Haggis for her last night because she's got a cold.... a teeny weeny little cold.... floored her!

Despite my best efforts to do well and essentially smother her with concern... attend to her every need... she tells me I'm am belittling her.

All I care about is the two of them staying healthy... if that means she can't tolerate working, so be it. It's not belittling to say that the cold is hitting her so much harder than it hit me... it's a fact.

I'm seriously considering I may need to take a few month travel assignment - particularly if she goes out of work sooner than later. I would hate to miss the first few months, but duty calls.

It's frustrating!!!! Not all is bad though... I still have these two beautiful lives laying in bed next to me... it's amazing. She's sicker than hell but still glows with pregnant beauty.

- Scott

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