Friday, April 16, 2010

It's been a couple days....

Past few days were pretty eventful, but calm. We went to baby's first movie... Clash of the Titans remake (here's a picture of Mom getting popcorn and soda). Let's just say that I'm grateful the baby isn't born yet and has the protection of the womb between baby and movie. Once the baby's arrived I'll be sure to show the original.... just a much better movie.

Met with the doctor yesterday and he and the practice seem pretty decent. Had our first sonogram and found out we're much earlier along than we thought... about 4 weeks, versus the 6-7 that was thought. That probably puts us somewhere between mid December and Christmas time for a due date.

I was offered and accepted a position with the Brownell Center. The salary is as good as I was hoping for and I can start as early as mid-June. We'll have lots of money to buy tons of baby stuff!!! It also puts us in a position to let Tanya stop working in August to go back to school full time and stay home with the baby for the first year or so.

- Scott

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