Monday, April 12, 2010


So Tanya is feeling a little bit better today. Her congestion is still there and giving her a headache.... she is taking Tylenol, but somewhat reluctantly. Overall she is feeling better - and that's definitely good.

I do suppose I'll run out today and put together a "pregnant lady care package" filled with all sorts of soothing and comforting things (you know... hot packs, cold packs, massagers - that sort of thing).

Last eve we had a bit of a tiff - I thought she was being unappreciative, she thought I was insensitive. Ah.... doesn't matter I guess, we kissed and made up... did my share of reassuring her.... she fell asleep.... I tossed in bed until 3 am worrying about things.

I pointed out this site today to Dr. Kang (he is my clinical preceptor and mentor). He thought it was a neat idea and we came to the idea of self publishing these entries and comments in a book after the baby is born. I can then save it for someday - to give to our son or daughter as a keepsake. I'm thinking I'd like to include more pictures - so expect more in the near future.

We think we have come to a decision on what doctor/practice we'll pick. That's one more thing to take off the to do list!

- Scott

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