Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm nesting.... she's sick

I thought the woman nested later on in pregnancy? Well apparently it hit me today.... all the laundry done, house cleaned top to bottom, grocery shopping completed!

Tanya came home from work and is still sick.... not better... perhaps feeling worse even. No fever tonight though.... had a fever last evening. It's funny how the littlest things like a cold, a fever, even taking Tylenol for crying out loud... become a big deal and a real source of anxiety.

She's in bed now, has been since 11pm. Her night owl ways are starting to change. She's even talking about keeping a better schedule so she can be healthier... getting up earlier, doing light exercise, eating 3 balanced meals a day. I promised her breakfast. Either eggs and ham or cereal and fresh fruit. I'm doing my damnedest to encourage healthy behavior. As a nurse I know it's an uphill battle.... with Tanya the slope is straight up :-)

I'm hoping with the cute blog title and all that, I might eventually get her to start posting a little bit. Let's face it... she's the one everyone wants to hear from, no?

- Scott

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