Thursday, May 13, 2010

My how you've grown.

We had our two week follow up yesterday after our scare and everything continues to look good.

We stopped by the book store to get a book of Irish baby names and Tanya picked up "The Belly Book", a pregnancy journal (lets see if she's more apt to fill that out than this blog).

We experienced about a month of pretty good health, albeit with consistent exhaustion. Now it looks like Tanya's getting sick again.

- Scott


  1. WooHoo, so glad to hear all is going great !!!! Here's another idea for you Scott, how about some side views of Tanya's belly as the baby grows. That would be some neat pictures for your blog and the baby to see later in life as you do this. Love ya, mom

  2. Funny you should mention this. I took a picture yesterday that I'll be putting up soon.
