Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

So Tanya had her first Mother's Day... a cute and kind of novel idea for an expectant mother. Next year I'll have to go out and get flowers and a gift "from baby." Anyway, I took her out to lunch and drove her to work and picked her up (which is a big deal for her as she doesn't have to worry about parking and walking).

We have a doctors appointment on Wednesday with another sonogram. We are, at this point, only a few weeks away from making our news common knowledge! We plan to tell my father soon and then "come out" to all our friends at the big memorial day bash in 3 weeks.

The next great plan is to get Tanya to write something here. I suppose that once she's through the woods of the first trimester she will be able to relax, take a sigh of relief and really let the reality of the situation set in. She's experiencing all the changes now, and that's her way of being close to the situation. These writings, in a manner of speaking, are the closest I have to a visual metamorphosis into fatherhood.

- Scott

1 comment:

  1. I would think that sharing the doctors visits and her changes would be a more world changing event to your visualization that fatherhood is coming. Don't get me wrong, I think this is great and I come here everyday to look for your post and to see how you are all doing. This is a great way to let your feelings show and share it with everyone. Hope to hear from Tanya soon. Love ya, Mom
