Thursday, June 3, 2010

12 Week Sonogram

Baby at 12 weeks. It actually looks like a baby! Everything seems to be going well!


  1. This is fun!! Tanya, you do look beautiful!! When I was pregnant, all I wore was my uniform or my nightgown. I can't wait to hear about your name selection. From the sonogram it looks like a cutie already. best wishes from your soon to be colleague, Susan H

  2. AWWWW...Dominique and I think the baby is a cutie already, but we could be very biased! Glad to hear that things are going well!! Love ya!!

  3. Yep, there is a baby there !! Andy is determined that it is a boy, that there is a thingy there, lol. I on the other hand am just praying for a healthy baby for you two to love. If I can help or do anything just let me know. Love you,mom
