Sunday, April 25, 2010


So we drove 130 miles to get our 5th wheel camper yesterday... then 130 miles back. Mom... being the ever lazy bum that she is, spent half the ride asleep.

"I had a dream everything was okay" she woke and said.

Now I'm not one to place faith in much of anything,let alone dreams. However, Tanya rarely remembers her dreams. The last dream she remembered was that she was pregnant... and voila, she was.

Maybe Mom and baby have a connection (well.... obviously they do) and subconsciously she knows the baby is there.... and that it is okay.

It helps that my research shows pretty clearly that her lab results were potentially too close to give a clear suggestion of a problem. Also there are a number of factors that could be playing here... some of which we know are indeed factors. Besides, there's been no other signs of a problem.

So I will hope... I will hope some more... and I will be there for Tanya every step of the way.

Tomorrow I believe we will see that tiny little heart beat... and we can get back to the joy we have been feeling. Right now our emotions are on hold... all we can do is fight back the worry with hope.

- Scott

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