Thursday, August 19, 2010

A rambunctious little fellow

In almost a movie like moment we lay in bed over this past weekend in the camper. By pure chance we both happened to feel the first kick at the same time. Then, last night, he decided to keep her up half of last night kicking like he's Bruce Lee or something.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Long overdue update

Well it's been a long time since our last update. We had our 20 week anatomy scan almost three weeks ago and just haven't gotten around to posting it. Well Here it is. You can see the little profile with a bent arm coming up towards the face. So I guess we should update everyone... here goes, in no particular order

1) IT'S A BOY!!!!

2) We're looking into buying a house very soon

3) We are really considering a stay at home Mom situation

4) Both of us are soooo entrenched in work stuff, etc we just don't seem to ever have a moment... hence our missing updates.

These things are really keeping us busy but we'll try to update you all as soon as we can.